This is what’s called the overture

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Interesting since (and I know this makes me a bad horror writer) I’ve read very little of Lovecraft. I know the mythos, and I know my Hynos from my Ulthar, I’d just always assumed my work was a derivative echo of King and Gerritsen

I write like
H. P. Lovecraft

I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

Makes me wonder how may people I’ll lose or gain from this.

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Just this fox. I'm a writer of horror and dark fantasy. I totally don't brag about it. The latter statement is an utter lie.
  • Michael
    July 13, 2010 - 6:48 pm

    What piece did you use to get Lovecraft? I copy and pasted a recent blog entry and got DAN BROWN!

    The good news is that when I replaced it with the text of “Digital Media” I got Chuck Palahniuk. I can deal with that.

    I’ll probably spend all night seeing what short stories get me which authors.

  • Michael
    July 13, 2010 - 6:49 pm

    The words “sobs uncontrollably” appear to have been edited out of my previous response. The followed the word “Brown.”

  • Michael
    July 13, 2010 - 9:55 pm

    Hmmm…maybe because of the “esoteric faith systems” integral to the plot?

    I want to know who it thinks you write like if you put in The Caretaker.

  • Davecat
    July 13, 2010 - 10:07 pm

    I pasted the first third of my ‘I burped at Vegas’ post, and got ‘Dan Brown’ for my trouble.
    Then I put my fist through my monitor.

  • Michael
    July 13, 2010 - 10:31 pm

    Dave, I feel your pain. I got Dan Brown *3X!* Also Chuck Palahniuk, Margaret Atwood (twice), Douglas Adams (sweet!), L. Frank Baum (a story written for an Oz collection, go figure) and finally good old Howard Phillips himself.

    MontiLee, for the record, the story which got me the Lovecraft comparison was the one you requested (the one which had to have a squirrel, a candle, and an enchanted rose).

    So thank you for that.

  • PJ
    July 13, 2010 - 11:20 pm

    From Cat Dragged Inn?? I’ve never read Lovecraft, but I call bull shit anyway.

  • PJ
    July 13, 2010 - 11:23 pm

    I got this: I Write Like Vladimir Nabokov. I do not know this person.

  • PJ
    July 13, 2010 - 11:26 pm

    Ooohhh … Lolita. Ok, never read it, vaguely know the plot. Will stop spamming your blog now.

  • John Donald Carlucci
    July 14, 2010 - 1:50 pm

    I got Chuck Palahniuk! Damn, I wanted Lovecraft.


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