Posts missing from Blog but visible in Dashboard

This content has been archived. It may no longer be relevant

The website is baseislife.com

We’ve revived a blog from 2011 and imported them into a new url. The first post he made yesterday is visible on the blog. The last two posts made are visible on the blog.

The second, third and fourth posts are visible in the Dashboard, but not on the blog.

I’ve tried republishing them.

I’ve tried creating new copies with the same publish date.

They aren’t marked Draft or Private.

They can be read if a direct link is clicked but not in the main timeline of the blog.

They can be seen in Recent Posts on the sidebar, but not in the timeline of the blog.

I’ve cleared cache and cookies.

I’ve updated the theme.

I’ve turned off the one new plugin I installed and backed out of any Google API I had associated with it.

What am I missing?




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Just this fox. I'm a writer of horror and dark fantasy. I totally don't brag about it. The latter statement is an utter lie.
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