Okay, PTB I can take a hint
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Scene: Grocery story after a long day of working for a living
Players: Me, Grocery Clerk
Items on belt: Two (2) cans of cat food, two (2) bags of salad one (1) bottle Boone’s Farm Fuzzy Navel
Me (trying to appear chatty): You know, I’ve never tried that before.
Clerk: The salad?
Me: *sad face*
I haven’t done anything remotely like exercise (and taking a bus up Kennessaw Mountain doesn’t really count) since I broke my toe a month ago. I’m not turning this into a weight-loss blog, but I can certainly tell you that there will be no BoobieThon pics this year unless I’m happy with what I see in a few weeks.
I know, I shouldn’t punish the world for my sloth and gluttony, but I do not have Anna Nicole Smith’s joie de vivre no her inability yo face reality when it came to weight-appropriate clothing.
I have missed my Latin dace DVD and my salsa’s starting to look a little chunky…