Movie Review: The Loved Ones (2009)
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R, 84 minutes
Troubled high school senior Brent’s (Xavier Samuel) plans to spend prom night with his caring girlfriend, Holly (Victoria Thaine), go awry when secret admirer Lola (Robin McLeavy) and her father kidnap him for their own macabre evening in this spine-chiller. Now Brent is in for the battle of his life as he tries to escape while fighting against syringes, nails, power drills and more accessories of his captor’s twisted take on prom night. (Netflix)
Starring: Xavier Samuel, Robin McLeavy, Victoria Thaine, John Brumpton
Writer/Director: Sean Byrne
Produced byScreen Australia, Omnilab Media, Ambience Entertainment
Distributor: Insurge Pictures (US Distributor)
Anyone who compares this to Carrie clearly never saw Carrie or this movie, as this film has absolutely nothing to do with that type of atmosphere. This is not for the squeamish and we’ve got boobs in the first 15 minutes, however bear in mind, there isn’t a single throw-away scene in this movie. Everything fits well together, and leads to the the overall whole, which makes for compelling storytelling and an overall story that it actually worth a second look, not to mention the effectiveness of drill-manipulated frontal lobotomies.

Unsung Actor award goes to John Brumpton, who plays “Daddy”. He’s tortured, eager to please to his daughter, and deliciously psychotic.
1 – Wow Factor – Not a bad little left turn. Mote than a few cringe worthy moments
2 – WanderLust – None – but I was on a chat at the time.
3 – Rewind – Nope.
4 – Recommend – Recommended to me by a screenwriting friend, who pushed it hard.
5 – Texas Chainsaw Massacre + The Perfect Host= The Loved Ones.
6 – Netflix Rating – Three Stars