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Longtime followers of my website know that I’ve tried for years (2006, 2007, 2009) to manage a Traveling Moleskine Project successfully to completion.

Here’s the lunacy in a nutshell: A notebook arrives on the doorstep. Lucky person keeps and cherishes that book for 7 Days, scribbling, jotting, doodling and on Day 7 pops it into the mail for the next person. This continues from person to person until the books reaches all participants and returns to the originator. This is journaling playing the long game.
It’s also hard. Nevermind the logistics of books traveling overseas and across continents, there is basic human error/apathy. All previous projects were lost at the midpoint because folks simply stopped being interested. Literally months of work and memories lost. There are little black Moleskine Pocket Notebooks with names and addresses of participants sitting in drawers or under car seats or destroyed. It’s disheartening. In the later years when I thought about starting a new one, I would get discouraged just thinking about it.
Since I wanted to make 2016 a year I stopped not doing things, I’ve launched a rather ambitious project. I tested the waters for interest found a few nibblers, and before I knew it, I had nearly 30 people wanting to play. Of course, I didn’t want Person #30 to have to wait almost a year to even glimpse a book (if it ever got there), so I’ve split the groups into 3 and started two books in each group – the Head and the Tail. I’ve designated myself the Head for all three, and I sent the Tails to get started and work their way back from the rear. My hope is that even if a few books get lost in transit, the folks on the backend won’t be too disappointed. It also alleviated the problem of folks not wanting to go first. Both ends are first and last.
I’m likely crazy.
September 1, 2016, the Tails of Raven, Fox and Narwhal left Royal Oak, MI for points in PA, KY and GA.
On September 7 the 3 Heads begin their journeys to IN, MI, and MI. I will track to the best of my ability to with the Nomad World Map plugine.
By the way: the Tail of Team Raven has checked in.