I’m not dead – poke me and I’ll wiggle a little.
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I don’t even know where to begin with this day.
Lots of images in my head from the time Loki walked across my stomach at 6 this morning until right now as I listen to my Tigers crush the Oakland A’s.
Coffee and a few bites of German Chocolate cake comprised breakfast, and then I did a few loads of laundry – yeah, I know my life is nothing but a non-stop roller coaster of thrills and screams. Then I hopped on Twitter.
Oh my.
Without rehashing the exchange, let’s just say someone in the New Social Media Club a fellow writer over-reacted in a way unbecoming a Canadian and in spite of his fit (or because if it) I gained twenty new followers that are probably expecting content on a regular basis (oh noes). To his credit, he apologised and even recommended me to all of friends (hence the twenty new followers). Here’s hoping the recommendation means they’ll actually read what I write as opposed to plumping up their own numbers. I hate that crap. It’s not MySpace and I’m not on Twitter for a popularity contest. I’ll check back on them in a few days to see if a) they’re still following and b) they’re worth reading.
Unlike most people new to Twitter, I’ve had my account two years in July, back when it was a challenge to write a story/update in 140 characters instead of *selling* some product or blocking bots who got free laptops. Anyway, an understanding was reached and I dismiss judgment on the Quebecois Canadian without prejudice. For now, anyway. I believe in the end he was more upset than I was, which is how God intended it.
Then it was off to The Motor City Comic Con. I’ll have awesome pictures upon my neglected Flickr account soon, but for you luckey few, you can check out my Facebook album. (FYI – I only add Facebook people if I actually *know* them – I know, weird, huh) The Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers, of which I am a member in good standing (since 2008), have a table and we’re selling our latest Anthology, “Erie Tales: Zombie Chronicles.” I am not in this one, but you should buy it anyway. 18 fantastic stories about zombies, a screenplay, a comic and art. Had an amazing time today and I’ll be back tomorrow for more wickedness.
The outfit – she will be adorable!
The words are not coming tonight, and my brain feel mushy.
Oh – I know why because my brain was melted by awesome hotness:

We cornered the poor guy and I put my fingers in his hair (oops). Remind me to tell of the wallet incident where I almost lost my credit cards down his pants. *shifty innocence* I can tell you that he smelled like the General Lee, that is to say that wonderful V-8 engine smell was all over him. *hot flashes* And I’m not a fangirl, but I really dig Clark’s Dad. The ladies of GLAHW have designated ourselves The Pink Ladies Of Horror, Bo’s Hos Chapter. We are having jackets made which state the same. We will be made of win and you will weep with envy.
And finally, have a 30-second video of a Slave Leia joggling to Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix. It’s grainy but I think she drew a bigger crowd than Kristy Swanson:
Takes guts to dance commando, but Leia never was never one to do anything small. Damn thing won’t embed, but click on it anyway.
I’ll be more cleverly wordy later. It’s been a long day and I need to get back into the swings of blogs again.
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bos hosgeneral leeglahwjohn schneiderleia jigglin like jellomotor city comic con 2009pink ladies of horror