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Part of my annual resolution to lose weight  involves reassessing how I eat., especially lunch. I work in an office building and until until now the deli fare has been little better than coney island food and the occasional stab at “sushi” on Thursdays.

During the winter months, it’s hard enough to get out and go someplace to eat, and when hoices are limited to cheap but gross, or expensive yet less gross, I’m back to deciding to make my own lunches again.

This will involve work and effort, and I barely remember to stuff a Healthy Choice lunch into my bag with a yogurt and fruit bar as it is. If I’m going to make this work, I need to be motivated to do it, it needs to be fun, and when I don’tb feel like getting out of bed in the morning, Doug can do it.

I love bento box lunches. They’re cute and can be stuffed with lots of filling items that look fun.

I had a brief fling with one a bout two years ago, and while I loved the idea, I goit sick of ricew all of the time. I blame my lack oif imagination, not the bento box.

I’m giving it another shot, whic time armed with reccipes I can make ahead

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Just this fox. I'm a writer of horror and dark fantasy. I totally don't brag about it. The latter statement is an utter lie.
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