Measurement Day, Day 8 #100Days

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This is how we stay honest.

I’ve been at this 7 days – thirty minutes of cardio and healthy lunches. Every Day. The bentos didn’t get made over the weekend, because when you’re not getting up until 10 or 11, how healthy something is isn’t as important as how fast you can eat it.

Regardless here are my numbers from 1/20/14 which was we’ll call Week 0:

Week  0 - 1/20/2014
Week 0 – 1/20/2014

It’s what I expected – not my heaviest, but nothing fits right, nothing looks right, and splitting a pair a jeans is less than encouraging. My game plan was to workout 30 minutes a day, every day, no matter what.  After Day 2, I decided I needed a more tangible goal. Anyone can walk for 30 minutes but I needed to burn the chubbies, so I added running for those 30 minutes and for added spice, I had to do at least 2 miles. Harder than I realized, since I hadn’t run at step since the Belle Isle 5K on 12/31/13. 20 days off – yikes!


Week 1 Ave
Week 1



Now here we are we the start of Week 2, so that makes it  Measurement Day. I’m not expecting dramatic results because I still have a sweet tooth that ants envy. It’s something to work on – the snacking, the weakness for Godiva Marzipan Hearts – all for the dress. Always remember the dress. 4 inches need to come off that waist and three off the hips. By the comments on the site, this beauty fits like a glove tight. Alright,  so let’s trim those arms and lose the bingo flaps.

So (deep breath) here is the tally of Week 1:


What do we see? Lost a few pounds, not a big deal (I mean it’s awesome, but that’s not my focus). 0.25″ to an 1″ everywhere else – except the belly and the hips.

Dang, genetics.

This week we focus on less Saunders Salted Caramels, 1 Godiva Cherry Cordial with coffee (not 3), and we’ll see if we can’t get back to the almond milk and morning ab workout. And more sleep – I love sleep. Let’s get sexy with sleep again.

I’m not unhappy, but I know I can do better.

Hello, Week 2 – let’s make a little magic.

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Just this fox. I'm a writer of horror and dark fantasy. I totally don't brag about it. The latter statement is an utter lie.
  • Ash
    January 29, 2014 - 12:25 pm

    Great job! Try lifting at the gym. Lifting actually burns more calories than running on the treadmill. Lifting in any form is good (shoulder presses, adding weights with lunges, curls, etc…). Combining healthy meals, cardio and lifting will get you the results you are looking for, without a doubt!

    • little black duck
      January 29, 2014 - 2:16 pm

      I was lifting for a while, doing 20 minutes of arms, shoulders, back and legs. I knew resistance training could only help my cause,

      I did incorporate a 30-day Plank challenge, and I still have my Nike Training Camp, which I need to get back to. I’m just happy I’m making progress!

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